St Herman, the Patriarch of Constantinople. A Sermon on Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross

A translation from the Ancient Greek language by N. Ya. Boikov [1910], an introductory article and notes by M. V. Venetskov


  • Boykov N.Ya. Moscow Theological Academy
  • Venetskov M.V. Moscow Theological Academy


The pre-revolutionary archives of the Moscow Theological Academy's journal Theological Herald contain authors' manuscripts and typescripts that were never published-some because they did not correspond to the high standard of the journal, others because of the events of revolutionary times. However, in view of the almost century-long gap, even weak publications are subject to revision, becoming a kind of historical monument of their era. Among the archival translations of the writings of the sainted fathers there is a rough typewritten copy sent to the editors of the BV in 1910.


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Андреев И. Д. Св. Герман, патриарх Константинопольский (715-730 гг.) // БВ. 1897. Т. 2. № 5. С. 167-186; № 6. С. 305-326; БВ. 1897. Т. 3. № 9. С. 225- 244 (2-я пагин.).

Σταυριανός Κ. Σ. Ἅγιος Γερμανὸς Α' Ὁμολογητὴς πατριάρχης Κωνστα- ντινουπόλεως. Βίος - Ἔργα - Διδασκαλία. Ἀθ., 2003.

Horna K. Analekten zur Byzantinischen Literatur. Wien, 1905. S. 31.

Λαγοπάτης Σπ. Γερμανὸς Β’ πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως-Νικαίας. Τρόπολις, 1914. Σ. 160-169.

Cayre' F. Germain (saint) // Dictionnaire de théologie catholique 6. 1947. P. 1306- 1307.



How to Cite

Boykov Н.; Venetskov М. St Herman, the Patriarch of Constantinople. A Sermon on Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross: A Translation from the Ancient Greek Language by N. Ya. Boikov [1910], an Introductory Article and Notes by M. V. Venetskov. БВ 2010, 101-122.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
