Human Death or Brain Death? A Christian View. Part II. The problem of the death criterion


  • Damian (Voronov), hieromonk



ethics, bioethics, transplantology, consciousness, brain functions, medical psychology, the meaning of life and death, artificial maintenance of life, the criterion of human death


The second part of the article is devoted to analyzing the fundamental ethical and ideological problems of medical ethics, which are reflected in a physician’s attitude to the issues of life and death, thereby actualizing the problems of transplantology. The main provision of key international documents concerning the application of scientific and technological achievements in the field of biology and medicine are: the protection of the dignity and individual integrity
of the person, guaranteed to all, without exception; the respect for the integrity of the person and other rights and fundamental freedoms. The problem in question directly affects the rights, freedoms and dignity of the person. The human right to life, perceived as the highest value and encompassing all stages of earthly existence, as a rule, is not disputed by society and is not in doubt. Total technologization raises new questions about the human right to freely dispose of not only his life, but also death. In addition to the ethical assessment of the human right to life, the author gives a Christian assessment of such a final phase of human existence as dying, in connection with which the problem of establishing the boundaries of life and death is catalyzed due to the fact that this problem in particular is the particular focus of humanistic scrutiny of the modern pragmatic health system.


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Author Biography

Damian (Voronov), hieromonk

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy, Secretary of the Theological Department of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Voronov Д. Human Death or Brain Death? A Christian View. Part II. The Problem of the Death Criterion. БВ 2021, 75-96.



Theology and philosophy
