St Augustine of Hippo. Two Newly Found Letters to the East

A translation from Latin, an introductory article and notes by E. V. Tkachev


  • Tkachev E.V. Moscow Theological Academy


The rather extensive correspondence of St Augustine of Hippo is about 300 letters addressed to various people living in the vast majority of cases in the western part of the then united Roman Empire1. Only three letters in this vast collection have as their addressees bishops of the Greek, linguistically and culturally, East. One of these letters (Ep. 179), to John, bishop of Jerusalem, has long been known to the learned world, the other two (Ep. 4* to St Cyril of Alexandria and Ep. 6* to Atticus of Constantinople) were discovered relatively recently, in the late 1970s, by Professor Johannes Divjak of the University of Vienna, along with many other letters of St Augustine.


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Mandouze A. Saint Augustin. L’aventure de la raison et de la grâce. Paris, 1968. P. 553-563.

Les Lettres de Saint Augustin découvertes par J. Divjak // Communications présentées au colloque des 20 et 21 Septembre 1982. Études Augustiniennes. Paris, 1983 (далее - Сolloque 1983).

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Berrouard M.-F. Les Lettres 6* et 19* de saint Augustin. Leur date et les renseignements qu'elles apportent sur l'évolution de la crise «pélagienne» // REAug 27. 1981.

Bouhot J.-P. Une Lettre d'Augustin d'Hippone à Cyrille d'Alexandrie (Ep. 4*) // Сolloque 1983. P. 147-154.

Berrouard M.-F. Les Lettres 6* et 19* de saint Augustin. Leur date et les renseignements qu'elles apportent sur l'évolution de la crise «pélagienne» // REAug 27. 1981. P. 267.

Bonner G. Some remarks on Letters 4* and 6* // Сolloque 1983. P. 156.

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Brown P. The Patrons of Pelagius, Religion and Society in the Age of Saint Augustine. London, 1972. P. 214-215.

Beatrice P. F. Tradux Peccati: Alle fonte della dottrina agostiniana del peccato originale. Milan, 1978 (Studia Patristica Mediolanen- sia 8). P. 256.

Madec G. Du nouveau dans la correspondance augustinienne // REAug 27. 1981.

Pietri Ch. Les Lettres nouvelles et leurs témoignages sur l'histoire de l'Église romaine et de ses relations avec l'Afri- que // Сolloque 1983. P. 351.

Altaner B. Augustinus in der griechische Kirche bis auf Photius // Idem. Kleine patristische Schriften. B., 1967. S. 73 (TU 83)

Rapinchuk M. Universal sin and Salvation in Romans 5, 12-21 // Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 42/3. 1999. P. 427-441.

Poirier J. C. Romans 5, 13-14 and the Universality of Law // Novum Testamentum 38/4. 1996. P. 344-358.

Weaver D. The Exegesis of Romans 5, 12 Among the Greek Fathers and Its Implications for the Doctrine of Original Sin: The 5th-12th Centuries // St Vladimir's Seminary Theological Quarterly 29/3. 1985. P. 231-257. 37 Пс. 118, 171.



How to Cite

Tkachev Е. St Augustine of Hippo. Two Newly Found Letters to the East: A Translation from Latin, an Introductory Article and Notes by E. V. Tkachev. БВ 2010, 46-68.



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