Vincent (Desprez), hieromonk. Fr. Adalbert de Vogue (1924–2011)


  • Vincent (Desprez), hieromonk Benedictine monastery Ligugé


Father Adalbert was born on 4 December 1924 in Paris. He studied philology and entered the Abbaye de la Pierre Qui Vire in March 19442 where he took his monastic vows on 18 April 1945 and was ordained priest on 3 July 1950. His dissertation on the community and the abbot in the Charter of St Venedictus, which he defended in 1960 and published in Paris a year later, marked the beginning of a series of studies and publications on ancient monastic texts.


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Author Biography

Vincent (Desprez), hieromonk, Benedictine monastery Ligugé

member of the Benedictine monastery Ligugé, France


Desprez V. La Regula Ferrioli. Texte critique // Revue Mabillon 60. 1982. N. 287, 288. P. 117-128, 129-148.

Desprez V. Le monachisme primitif. Des origines jusqu’au concile d’Éphèse, Bégrolles-en-Mauges, 1998 (Spiritualité orientale, 72).

De Vogüé A. La communauté et l’abbé dans la Règle de Saint Benoît. Paris, 1961 (Textes et études théologiques).

Maury J., Percheron R. Itinéraires romains. Paris, 1950. 2 éd. 1958.

Règles monastiques d'Occident (IV-VI) / Trad., éd. Vincent Desprez, Irène Binont, Joël Courreau et al. Bégrolles-en-Mauges, 1980 (Vie monastique 9).



How to Cite

Desprez В. Vincent (Desprez), Hieromonk. Fr. Adalbert De Vogue (1924–2011). БВ 2015, 382-391.



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