Venerable Gregory of Sinai. On the four hierarchies

A translation from Ancient Greek and publication of the Slavonic text of hieromonk Tabrio (Smykov)


  • Tabrio (Smykov), hieromonk Мoscow Theological Аcademy



Venerable Gregory of Sinai, worldly hierarchy, four hierarchies, angelic hierarchy, church hierarchy, monastic hierarchy, civil hierarchy, relationship of monasticism and priesthood


The article offers a first Russian translation of a little known Ancient Greek work by venerable Gregory of Sinai “On the four hierarchies”. The Slavonic text is subsequently edited, being based on two manuscripts from the collection of the Holy-Trinity Lavra. An introduction precedes the translations, where the A. discusses the manuscript tradition of the work and the publication of the Slavonic text; a survey of the contents is also given. It is shown that venerable Gregory of Sinai, in answer to the question of the relationship of monasticism and priesthood, argues that apart from the traditional angelic and church hierarchies there is also a monastic and civil hierarchy.


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Author Biography

Tabrio (Smykov), hieromonk, Мoscow Theological Аcademy

candidate of Theology, lector in Мoscow Theological Аcademy


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How to Cite

Smykov Т. Venerable Gregory of Sinai. On the Four Hierarchies: A Translation from Ancient Greek and Publication of the Slavonic Text of Hieromonk Tabrio (Smykov). БВ 2015, 273-308.