Person of St. Patrick of Ireland in the light of the development of modern Celtic Studies
Patrick of Ireland, celtology, Ireland, confession, Epistle to Coroticus, Christianity in Ireland, history of Ireland, Celtic Christianity, missionaryAbstract
This article considers the history of the study of the life and legacy of one of the greatest Christian missionaries - St. Patrick of Ireland. Scholars in the West actively study the legacy of St. Patrick, but in Russia, there are almost no studies dedicated to him, and there is no systematic study at all. However, Saint Patrick is of the great interest to Orthodoxy, firstly, as one of the great missionaries, secondly, as a theologian with a unique view of the time and place of his ministry, thirdly, as a representative and founder of the great tradition of Celtic Christianity, which remains unknown the Orthodox world. The present article identifies the periods of the study of St. Patrick. The article shows that scientific interest shifted from one point of interest to another, that is from defining his place in the history of Ireland and the conditions of his mission to penetrating into his inner world and trying to understand his motives.
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