Dostoevsky on the Ways and Principles of the Unity of Russia and Europe


  • Syromiatnikov Oleg I. Perm State National Research University



Russian philosophy, F. M. Dostoevsky, Russia, Orthodoxy, Russian people, Russian idea, Europe, civilization


This paper investigates the views of F. M. Dostoevsky concerning the problem of the historical fate of Russia. The author believes that Christianity is the basis of Russian culture. It determines the values and the aims of development of Russian people and connects them with the whole Christian world. For a number of reasons, however, Christianity in Western Europe has gradually degraded, resulting in a systemic crisis that threatens the existence of European civilization. F.M. Dostoevsky is convinced that only Russia, having preserved the teaching of Christ in purity, can help Europe in its spiritual revival.


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Author Biography

Syromiatnikov Oleg I., Perm State National Research University

Doctor of Philology

Professor at the Department of Russian Literature at the Perm State National Research University, Corresponding Member of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts

15, st. Bukireva, 614068 Perm, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Syromiatnikov О. И. Dostoevsky on the Ways and Principles of the Unity of Russia and Europe. БВ 2021, 236-252.



Russian spiritual literature
