Council of Constantinople 1170


  • Korobov Vladimir S. Moscow Theological Academy



division by mental representation, common person, My Father is greater than Me, the Council of Constantinople in 1170, Constantine of Kerkir, John Irinik, Manuel I Comnenus


The article is devoted to the description of the meetings and the theological analysis of the decisions of the Council of Constantinople in 1170. This Council was a logical continuation of the previous one, which examined the question of the correct interpretation of the words of the Savior: «My Father is greater than Me» (John 14:28). The purpose of this article is to show why the condemned interpretations of «division by mental representation» («κατ’ ἐπίνοιαν διαίρεσιν») and «common person» were heretical, although they had their origin in patristic creations. The structure of the article has the following headings: Sources, The Course of the Council, The Results of the Council and Its Consequences, Theology. The interpretations of «division by mental representation» and «common person» led Orthodox thought towards Monophysitism. The principle of «division by mental representation» was not used by St. John Damascene applied to John 14:28, and Metropolitan Constantine of Kerkir applied it at his own discretion. Both interpretations were similar, not only because they relied on the same source, but because they attributed the words of Christ to a non-existent nature.


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Author Biography

Korobov Vladimir S. , Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology

PhD student at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Academy, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

В. С. Council of Constantinople 1170. БВ 2021, 48-63.



Theology and philosophy
