Criticism of the Documentary Hypothesis of the Origin of the Pentateuch from Umberto Cassuto

Part 2


  • Fridman Iosif A. St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities



Bible studies, biblical criticism, Pentateuch, Hexateuch, Documentary Hypothesis, U. Cassuto, J. Wellhausen, language and style of the Pentateuch, contradictions and divergences of view in the text of the Pentateuch, duplications and repetitions, sections of the biblical text


The present article, in its subject matter and in the way of dealing with the subject, constitutes a direct continuation of the article by I. Fridman bearing the same title which was published in the «Theological Herald» of Moscow Theological Academy, № 4 (35) (2019). In this preceding article the author’s attention was concentrated on the criticism to which U. Cassuto subjected the first of the «pillars» of the Documentary Hypothesis (singled out by himself), to wit — the peculiarities of using the Divine names in the text of the Pentateuch. In the present article the author’s attention is focused on investigating the four remaining «pillars» of the hypothesis, namely — the variations of language and style within the Pentateuch, the contradictions and divergences of view, the duplications and repetitions as well as the traces of composite structure in some of the sections of the Torah. In the concluding part of the article the author draws the reader’s attention to the influence exercised by Cassuto’s ideas upon the Bible studies worldwide in the second half of the 20th as well as the beginning of the 21th centuries.


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Author Biography

Fridman Iosif A., St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities

Senior Teacher at the Department of Oriental Christian Philology and Oriental Churches at the St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities, Theological Faculty

6/1 Likhov pereulok, 127051 Moscow, Russia


Cassuto U. The Goddess Anath: Canaanite Epics on the Patriarchal Age. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1971.

Cassuto U. The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch. Jerusalem; New York (N.Y.): Shalem Press, 22008.

Brown F., Driver S., Briggs C. The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. [S. l.]: Hendrickson Publishers, 41999.

Pury A. de, Römer Th. (eds.) Le Pentateuque en question. Genéve: Labor et Fides, 32002.

Rofé A. La critica biblica di Umberto Cassuto // La Rassegna Mensile di Israel. Vol. 82. № 2–3. Umberto Cassuto: Maestro di Bibbia nel Paese della Bibbia: Tomo 1 (Maggio-Dicembre 2016). P. 239–248.



How to Cite

Fridman И. А. . Criticism of the Documentary Hypothesis of the Origin of the Pentateuch from Umberto Cassuto: Part 2. БВ 2021, 18-35.



Biblical studies
