The becoming of the early Church

Part one


  • Sidorov A. I. Moscow Theological Academy



Early Christian Church, Twelve Apostles, Church of Jerusalem, Jacob the brother of the Lord, Saint Archdeacon Stephan, Christians-“Hellenists”, first persecutions of the Church


This publication is an introductory part of the work on the history of the early development of the Christian Church. The research is based on the primary sources and brings together a wide range of opinions by both our Russian and foreign researchers of the history of the Ancient Church. The introductory part explores the history of the Church from the moment of its founding up to the first persecutions of the Christians. It touches upon the question of the organization of the Jerusalem communities immediately after the events of the Pentecost. The A. progressively investigates the connection of the first Christians with Judaism and their attitude to the Old Testament prescriptions. The A. investigates liturgical practices of the early Christian Church, the authority of the Apostles and the organization of the Church, as well as the important role of Jacob, brother of the Lord, in the Jerusalem Church, the creation of the role of presbyter and the martyrdom of archdeacon Stephen and the reasons for the persecution of the Christians. Special attention is paid to the importance of the so-called “Hellenists” in the first Christian community who significantly influenced the organization of the Church life at its early stages and because of whom apostles established the institute of the diaconate because.


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Author Biography

Sidorov A. I., Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of History, candidate of Theology, doctor of Church history, professor Мoscow Theological Аcademy


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How to Cite

Sidorov А. И. The Becoming of the Early Church: Part One. БВ 2015, 98-124.



Church History
