A hierarchical means and the spontaneity of Theophany according to “The Corpus Areopagiticum”


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy




Corpus Areopagiticum, theophany, hierarchical means, Neoplatonism, christology, Sacramentology, the Eucharist


The A. lists some opinions of Western researchers concerning Dionysius the Areopagite's dependence on Neoplatonic Philosophy. The A. considers the idea of “hierarchical mediation”, which is characteristic of The Corpus Areopagiticum. The most striking example of this idea is St. Gregory the Theologian's teaching about the second and third lights. In general, the A. concludes that the Areopagite accepts only the ascending dialectics of Proclus: from the lowest to the highest, but he dares not limit the force of the Divine presence by any hierarchical steps in the reverse motion: from the highest to the lowest. The A. proves this thesis by Areopagite's christology, which does not confirm - as is commonly believed - the hierarchical scheme but rather destroys it altogether. Neither the Western nor our own scientific communities have properly recognized this disruption, D. Routledge once pointed out. The unknown author of the Corpus Areopagiticum preserves both the consistent hierarchical system and the direct nature of theophany while redefining brilliantly the philosophical constructs in a Christian spirit.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, Assistant Professor of Philology Department MThA, head librarian at Moscow Theological Academy



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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. A Hierarchical Means and the Spontaneity of Theophany According to “The Corpus Areopagiticum.” БВ 2015, 69-97.



Theology and philosophy
