Letters of the Brotherhood of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos to the Bishop of Dmitrov Leonidas (Krasnopevkov) from 1874 to 1876

Publication, forward and commentary of A. A. Petrov


  • Petrov A.




Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos (Russika), Athos chapel at Moscow’s Epiphany Monastery, New Athos Monastery, Bishop of Dmitrov, Leonidas (Krasnopevkov), Archimandrite Makarius (Sushkin), Hieromonk Arsenius (Minin)


The seven published letters of the elder brothers of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos (Macarius (Sushkin), confessor Hieroschemamonk Jerome (Solomentsov) and Hieromonk Arsenius (Minin)), addressed to the Bishop of Dmitrov Leonidas (Krasnopevkov), reflect the position of the Russian brotherhood of the monastery during the conflict with the Greeks for the right of possession of the monastery (1874–1875). The letters also contained some information about the Athos chapel, opened February 11, 1873 at Moscow’s Epiphany Monastery, and about the New Athos Monastery in Abkhazia.


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Андроник (Трубачев), игум. Арсений (Минин) // ПЭ. 2001. Т. 3. С. 403–404.

Барсов Н. И. Макарий (Сушкин) // Энциклопедический словарь / Ф. А. Брокгауз, И. А. Ефрон, изд. СПб., 1896. Т. 18. С. 400.

Герд Л. А. Иоаким II (Коккодис) // ПЭ. 2010. Т. 23. С. 156–157.

Петров А. А. Из переписки викария Московской епархии епископа Дмитровского Леонида (Краснопевкова): Письма наместника Троице-Сергиевой лавры архимандрита Антония (Медведева). 1859–1869 гг. // Филаретовский альманах. М., 2009. Т. 5. С. 23–26.



How to Cite

Petrov А. А. Letters of the Brotherhood of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos to the Bishop of Dmitrov Leonidas (Krasnopevkov) from 1874 to 1876: Publication, Forward and Commentary of A. A. Petrov. БВ 2021, 466-481.



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