An Armenian quote from the homily of Severian of Gabala “Concerning the Cross” (CPG 4213)


  • Kim S. Moscow Theological Academy



Severian of Gabala, St. John Damascene, Vrt’anês K’rtoł, florilegium, iconophile doctrine, iconoclasm, Ancien Armenian patristic translations


The note is dedicated to an Ancient Armenian citation from the homily De Cruce of Severian of Gabala (CPG 4213), conserved in the florilegium of Vrt’anês K’rtoł “On the iconoclasts”. The A. analyses its relationship with the whole Greek text of the sermon De Cruce and with a Greek fragment of the same sermon, which is transmitted in the De imaginibus oratio 3 of St. John Damascene (CPG 8045.3). On the grounds of philological affinity of the Armenian quotation with the Greek fragment from John Damascene’s Oratio 3, the A. affirms that the Armenian excerpt does not depend directly on the whole text of Severian’s homily, but is tributary of the Greek fragment of it preserved in the Oratio 3 of John Damascene.


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How to Cite

Kim С. С. An Armenian Quote from the Homily of Severian of Gabala “Concerning the Cross” (CPG 4213). БВ 2021, 426-436.



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