Human Death or Brain Death? Christian View. Part I. Death Criterion Problem


  • Damian (Voronov), hieromonk Мoscow Theological Аcademy



ethics, bioethics, medical psychology, meaning of life and death, artificial maintenance of life, criterion of human death, brain function, brain death, stable vegetative state, terminal state, locked-in-syndrome, a zone of uncertainty


From the Christian point of view, the first part of the article considers the question of how to determine the time of a person’s death and some issues of the brain’s work and diagnostic criteria for completely stopping the biological and physiological processes of the organism’s life as the final experience of a person before entering eternity. The article also provides a theological and philosophical understanding of such states as “definitely alive” and “certainly dead”, because determining the moment of death of a person due to the achievements of modern medicine has become more difficult than before. The A. examines the history of the issue and, in conclusion, formulates a Christian evaluation of the prospects of the spiritual, moral and social influence of biomedical technologies regarding the life of a 21st century person, which transcends the permissible manipulations with life and death. Determining the criteria for death is an important milestone in the process of solving the difficult philosophical problem of consciousness.


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Author Biography

Damian (Voronov), hieromonk, Мoscow Theological Аcademy

MA student of Мoscow Theological Аcademy, Secretary of the Theology Department of Мoscow Theological Аcademy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Voronov Д. Human Death or Brain Death? Christian View. Part I. Death Criterion Problem. БВ 2020, 102–121.



Theology and philosophy
