‘Summa contra gentiles’, Book 4, Chapter 61 ‘On the Eucharist’ of Thomas Aquinas, Translated in Greek by Demetrios Kydones, Edited from the Manuscripts Vaticanus gr. 616 and Taurinensis 23 (C-2-16)


  • Bernatsky Mikhail M. Orthodox St Tikhon’s University of Humanities




byzantine theology, Thomism, Gennadios Scholarios, Demetrios Kydones, Eucharist, Dositheos II Patriarcha of Jerusalem


Summa contra gentiles by Thomas Aquinas was translated in the XIV c. by Demetrios Kydones (1324/5–1397). This translation had a great impact on the Late Byzantine and post-Byzantine theology. Chapter 61 «On the Eucharist», book four of Summa was used by George Gennadios II Scholarios (ca. 1400 – paulo post 1472) in compiling a homily on the Eucharist, which happened to be one of the sources of the decrees of the anti-Calvinist Orthodox councils of the 17th century. We publish the chapter from Vaticanus gr. 616 (XIV c. autograph of Kydones) and Taurinensis 23 (C-2-16) (15th century manuscript, possessed by Scholarios). The apparatus contains the material that was affected by this chapter in the later Orthodox doctrine concerning the Holy Eucharist. In the preface we made some observations on Kydones choice of Greek translations of Latin terms.


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Author Biography

Bernatsky Mikhail M., Orthodox St Tikhon’s University of Humanities

Researcher of the Ecclesiastical Institutions Research Laboratory of St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University
6/1, Likhov pereulok, Moscow 127051, Russia


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How to Cite

Bernatsky . М. М. ‘Summa Contra gentiles’, Book 4, Chapter 61 ‘On the Eucharist’ of Thomas Aquinas, Translated in Greek by Demetrios Kydones, Edited from the Manuscripts Vaticanus Gr. 616 and Taurinensis 23 (C-2-16). БВ 2021, 109-125.



