The Problem of Attributing the Works of the Venerable Anastasius of Sinai
patristics, St. Anastasios Sinait, Christian literatureAbstract
In this article, the author attempts to describe the current state of research into the heritage of the Monk Anastasios the Sinaite. Until a certain time, the saint was one of the littlestudied Byzantine theologians. Starting from the second half of the 20th century, critical editions of the works of St. Anastasios. Until now, scientific controversy continues on the dates and circumstances of life, on the attribution of the works of this father. For researchers, questions remain open about the authorship of such important works attributed to St. Anastasios, as «The Interpretation of the Six Days» and «The Teaching of the Fathers about the Incarnation of the Word», his other dogmatic-polemic, ascetic and homiletic works await their critical publication.
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