Relations Between the Russian Orthodox and Anglican Churches in the First Decade of the XX Century
Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, theology, Church, dialogue, relationships, theologians, discussion, hierarchyAbstract
The article is devoted to the most productive period in the history of relations between the Anglican and Russian Orthodox Churches. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, when the highest hierarchs of both Churches have joined the inter-confessional dialogue, a special Commission of the Holy Synod has been engaged in relations with Anglicans, and the Anglican Eastern Orthodox Union was founded in Great Britain. Mutual visits of theologians, senior Church
and public figures from both countries have become more frequent, and discussions on possible rapprochement between the two Churches at all levels have intensified. All these actions led to a deeper understanding of the problem of Christian unity, in particular to a more detailed analysis of the possibility of the reunification of the Anglican Church with the Orthodox Church. There were created conditions for a broad discussion of the entire range of questions related to this issue. This article analyzes the results of the efforts of both Churches to resolve the existing contradictions during the first decade of the twentieth century. Further discussions on the search of ways of rapprochement were continued until the revolutionary events in Russia in 1917.
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