The Genealogical Introduction to Chronicles (1 Chronicles 1–9): The Chronicler’s Purpose
Bible, Old Testament, Gospel, genealogy, Ancient Israel, Ancient East, Ancient Greece, Achaemenids, Persia, Chronicles, history, theology, holinessAbstract
The article examines a rather complex issue of the authenticity, purpose and theology of the extensive genealogical introduction of the Chronicles. The socio-historical significance of the genealogies of the Israelite tribes is discussed, as well as the similarities and differences between them and other biblical genealogies, on the one hand, and the Middle Eastern and Ancient Greek ones, on the other. In addition, the article reveals the composition of the genealogical section of the Chronicles, built on the principle of chiasm, through which the sacred author sought to convey the key theological idea of both the introduction and the work as a whole: The Divine Plan for humanity and creation must be realized through the holiness of the people of God. As a result, it is concluded that the Chronicler sought to convey to his audience (the Jews of the late Persian [Achaemenid] period) an important message: despite the catastrophe of destruction and the Babylonian captivity, the relationship of Yahweh with His people continues, and Israel is still called to realize in its life, once conceived by God for all mankind, the ideal of holiness.
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