Psychophysical problem in the ontology of archpriest Basil Zenkovsky


  • Parpara A. A. Moscow Theological Academy


Russian religious philosophy, ontology, metaphysics, causality, teleology, the law of conservation of energy, ideal, cosmology, sophiology, soul and body, psychophysical problem, person


In this article the A. discusses the views of archpriest Basil Zen’kovski on the problem of the relationship of the psychological and physical in the general context of the ontology of the thinker. The A. explores the hierarchy of the levels of being according to Zenkovski and Sophia as the key concept, which unites these levels. He gives an overview of the teaching of the thinker about the ideal, about the relationship of the created Sophia and uncreated Wisdom, about the difference between mechanical and organic causality. The A. discusses the problem of the relationship between individual soul and body and the immortality of the person.


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Author Biography

Parpara A. A., Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Medical Sciences, Masters of Theology, secretary of the department of Theology at MThA


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How to Cite

Parpara А. А. Psychophysical Problem in the Ontology of Archpriest Basil Zenkovsky. БВ 2016, 78-99.



Theology and philosophy
