Review of: Theology and Politics. Power, Church and Text in the Visigothic Kingdoms (V — early VIII Century): Research and Translation / ed.-comp. O. V. Aurov; general ed. O. V. Aurov, E. S. Marey. Мoscow: Delo, 2017. 352 p. ISBN 978-5-7749-1253-7


  • Tyulenev Vladimir M. vanovo State University



theology, politics, power, Church


Among the scientific directions that have been developed in the domestic historical science of the last few years, the most prominent is that associated with the study of Christian Spain in the early Middle Ages. In a relatively short period of time, several publications were published at once, offering the reader both sources reflecting the formation of Christian society and culture on the Iberian Peninsula during the period of the late Roman Empire and barbarian kingdoms, and studies that provide a new look at the features of the Iberian history of that time. The book under review, prepared by the team of the author under the general scientific guidance of O. V. Aurov, is a vivid example of a successful understanding, and somewhere rethinking, of the historical experience of Christianity and the Church of Visigothic Spain.




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Author Biography

Tyulenev Vladimir M., vanovo State University

Deputy Director of the Institute of Humanities for Research Activities, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General History and International Relations, Ivanovo State University


Mater Hispania: христианство в Испании в I тысячелетии: пер. с лат. яз. / сост. протоиерей А. Кордочкин. СПб.: Алетейя, 2018.

Вестготская правда. (Книга приговоров). Латинский текст. Перевод. Исследование. М.: Университет Дмитрия Пожарского, 2012.

Корсунский А. Р. Готская Испания (Очерки социально-экономической и политической истории). М.: Издательство Московского университета, 1969.

Циркин Ю. Б. Испания от Античности к Средневековью. СПб.: Филологический факультет СПбГУ; Нестор-История, 2010.



How to Cite

Tyulenev В. М. Review Of: Theology and Politics. Power, Church and Text in the Visigothic Kingdoms (V — Early VIII Century): Research and Translation / Ed.-Comp. O. V. Aurov; General Ed. O. V. Aurov, E. S. Marey. Мoscow: Delo, 2017. 352 P. ISBN 978-5-7749-1253-7. БВ 2020, 343-350.