The Eucharist Under Quarantine: the Experience of Anglican Churches


  • Vasily V. Chernov Foreign Department, Academic Portal
  • Velikanov Pavel, archpriest Moscow Theological Academy



covid19, Anglicanism, Church of England, Episcopal Church (United States), Eucharist, Holy Communion, reserved sacrament, reservation, spiritual communion, Visitation of the Sick, streamed worship, virtual worship, Extended Communion


The Anglican churches have traditionally been vocal on social issues. In this article the authors provide a case study of the Church of England and the Episcopal Church (United States) seeking to comprehend the Anglican theological, or, more precisely, sacramentological response to Covid19. The article includes three main parts. The part one deals with development of the Anglican approach to distribution of the Eucharistic elements beyond the context of communal worship in church. The part two tells about the present state of the related norms and practices. The part three is a theological study of the changes in the Eucharistic practices caused by the Covid19 pandemic. The method applied for the first two parts is based on analysis of official liturgy sources of the Church of England and the Episcopal Church; some classic secondary works are also used. In the part three the authors offer a theological vision based on a selection of resent documents issued by Anglican church authorities in England and the US as well as on mass media information regarding practical steps proposed by some Anglican clergy in both churches.


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Author Biographies

Vasily V. Chernov, Foreign Department, Academic Portal

PhD in Theology, Executive of the Foreign Department, Academic Portal

Velikanov Pavel, archpriest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Dean of the Theology Department, Moscow Theological Academy Sergiev Posad, Moscow



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How to Cite

Chernov В. В.; Velikanov П. The Eucharist Under Quarantine: The Experience of Anglican Churches. БВ 2020, 107–122.



Comparative theology


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