Saint Simeon the New Theologian. Homilies 3, 4 from the corpus of “33 Homilies” (Orationes [Dub.])
Critical text, translation from Greek, foreword by A. S. Tvorogov
Simeon the New Theologian, Constantine Chrysomallus, critical text, asceticism, messalians, Bogomils, Baptism, grace, OrationesAbstract
In this publication the reader is presented with the editio princeps of the Greek text and the Russian translation of the third and fourth Sermons of the Corpus of “33 Homilies” (Orationes or Or.), attributed in the manuscript tradition to Simeon the New Theologian. The main theme of the Corpus is the spiritual birth and the growth of the Christian, his sanctification and transfiguration by divine grace. Most of the body is a compilation of the works of St. Simeon, however, fifteen Homilies, which make up about 40 % of the total volume of the corpus, are original. The Greek text of Homilies was not previously published; only a complete Latin translation was made, based on the late (XVI century) manuscript, and the Greek translation of individual Homilies. Attribution of the original part of “33 Homilies” by modern researchers is questioned, since it contains expressions attributed to Constantine Chrysomallus, convicted in the middle of the XII century for Bogomil and Messalian views. In the proposed publication, the Greek text and discrepancies are given on the basis of the six most important manuscripts, the earliest of which dates from the late XI - early XII century. The publication includes a table of common fragments of published Sermons and other works of St. Simeon.
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