Severianus Gabalensis. In illud: Secundum imaginem et similitudinem (Gen. 1, 26). CPG 4234. Part I

Introduction, еditio princeps, Russian translation by S. S. Kim


  • Kim S. S. Moscow Theological Academy


Severian of Gabala, on the creation of the world, homiletics, edition of texts, patrology


Readers are offered a first part of the study of the sermon “On the image and the likeness” of Severian, Bishop of Gabala (died after 408). In the introductory article the A. sets out a survey of previous studies, gives an overview of manuscripts and evidence of the indirect tradition. There are solid arguments for atributing the homily to Severian of Gabala, which are divided into three groups - arguments of external, content and stylistic nature. The A. formulates a hypothesis about the reasons for the exclusion the sermon “On the image and the likeness” from the Severian's cycle “In Hexaemeron.” For the first time the ancient Greek text of the sermon (editio princeps) and its Russian translation are published. The publication and translation are accompanied by indications to parallels from other authentic works of Severian of Gabala, devoted to the theme of the creation of the world.


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Author Biography

Kim S. S., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD, lecturer of the Philology Department MThA


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Writings of the Holy Fathers
