Worldview of Saint Nicholas of Japan through the prism of foreign historiography


  • Savchuk R., priest Moscow Theological Academy


Orthodox Mission in Japan, St. Nicholas of Japan, Orthodox Church of Japan, missionary, Local Churches, historiographу


In the article the A. considers the views of foreign researchers on the basic principles of missionary activity of the Illuminator of Japan and the main features of his personality. It also analyzes the opinion of the Japanese and the English-speaking authors as to what lay at the basis of his success. Two approaches to covering the activities of Saint Nicholas in foreign historiography can be identified. The first is represented by the work of Japanese researchers who are familiar with Russian society of the nineteenth century. These authors try to analyze the versatile personality of the saint, his missionary labors. The second group is represented by English-speaking authors.


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Author Biography

Savchuk R., priest, Moscow Theological Academy

master of theology, post-graduate student of the Kiev Theological Academy, editor of the Orthodox TV channel “My Joy”


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How to Cite

Savchuk Р. Worldview of Saint Nicholas of Japan through the Prism of Foreign Historiography. БВ 2017, 369-393.



