On the history of Acathistus service: March Menaion from the Print collection of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts


  • Vorobiev K. V. Moscow Theological Academy


acathistus, Annunciation, liturgical books, service, Lent, Minaion, Saturday of the Acathistus, Epirus, Southern Italy


This article analyzes the March Minaion from the Print collection of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Typ. 106). One of its characteristic features is the presence in the Annunciation cycle of two main hymnographic elements of the Saturday of the Acathistus: the canon of St. Joseph the Chantographer and the Acathistus itself. The article analyzes the menologion of the Menaion and compares its text with another surviving passage of the Old Russian March minaion. A conclusion is drawn regarding this Minaion, a set of liturgical books is defined, into which it was included, its place in a particular liturgical tradition is determined, and an explanation is give as to why the service of the acathistus is absent in a number of triodions associated with the Southern Italian liturgical tradition. In addition, the article sheds light on the place of the acathist.


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Author Biography

Vorobiev K. V., Moscow Theological Academy

Master of Theology, graduate student MThA


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How to Cite

Vorobiev К. On the History of Acathistus Service: March Menaion from the Print Collection of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. БВ 2017, 349-368.



