A fragment concerning participation to “knowledge and wisdom” in the treatise “On the hierarchy” (32–40) of Saint Nicetas Stethatus and its context


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy


In this article, The A. analyzes a fragment about the accession to wisdom and knowledge in the treatise “On the hierarchy” (32-40) of St. Nicetas Stethatus, a Byzantine ascetic writer of the XI century, looking at its original and subsequent context. Following his teacher, St. Simeonthe New Theologian, St. Nicetas emphasizes the charismatic and spiritual nature of a true ascetic who, contrary to hierarchical laws, may be higher than a bishop. This statement does not seek to overthrow the hierarchy or to introduce a different order in the Church. Rather, it is a reminder and a call to holiness for those who chose the path of monastic life. The acquisition of wisdom and knowledge is the special ability of the cherubim, who are closest among the angels to God, who by virtue of their multiplicity (Ez. 10, 12), have become a symbol of spiritual knowledge and closeness to God. The fragment of the treatise “On the Hierarchy” (32-40) is an important example of a meeting point of ancient and 19th century biblical traditions.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, professor of the Philology Department MThA


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. A Fragment Concerning Participation to “knowledge and wisdom” in the Treatise “On the hierarchy” (32–40) of Saint Nicetas Stethatus and Its Context. БВ 2017, 199-236.



