“Neochalcedonianism” of John the Grammarian of Caesarea in light of modern scholarly research


  • Kozhukhov S., deacon Moscow Theological Academy


neochalcedonianism, cyrilian chalcedonianism, Council of Chalcedon, Grammarian, Cyril of Alexandria, Lebon, Moeller, Richard, Helmer, Grillemeier, Dell'Osso, Meyendorf, one nature in Christ, two natures in Christ


The term “neochalcedonianism” is the result of modern patrological science. J. Lebon uses this name in reference to the position taken by the defenders of Chalcedon and its doctrine of the two natures in Christ as a direction of theological thinking in the field of Christology in the V-VII centuries, to show the relationship of the Council with the theology of St. Cyril, which developed in the controversy with the Monophysites. “Neochalcedonianism” was perceived as a technical term by other scholars who expressed their point of view on this issue. The meaning of the term is often understood as indicating some “new” Chalcedonian doctrine, which departs from the Chalcedonian doctrine which is actually incorrect. In presenting the point of view of various scholars, the A. of the paper shows that the true neochalcedonianism or Cyrillian chalcedonianism has nothing contrary to St. Cyril and Council of Chalcedon.


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov S., deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

deacon, candidate of Theology, assistant pofessor at the Biblical Studies department MThA


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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. “Neochalcedonianism” of John the Grammarian of Caesarea in Light of Modern Scholarly Research. БВ 2017, 148-172.



