English language theology of the ХХ century: a return to tradition and history


  • Borisov А., priest Moscow Theological Academy


interfaith dialogue, neo-patristic synthesis, theological program, history and theology, sacred tradition, ecclesiology, R. Williams, S. Hauerwas, C. S. Lewis, N. Lash, A. McGrath


This article is dedicated to an overview of the theological and ethical heritage of English-speaking theologians such as Rowan Williams, Stanley Hauerwas, Clive Staples Lewis, Nicholas Lash and Alistar McGrath. The A. points out that the theological methodology of the mentioned researchers, as well as their relation to theology does not conflict with the Orthodox position. The A. proves that among the influential English theologians of the XX and XXI centuries, representing various Christian denominations, there are those for whom it was necessary to return to the principles of historicism and tradition. This circumstance allowed them to create an alternative to both the scholastic and the rationalistic approaches to theological study. The theological programs of these authors assume a spiritual involvement of a theologian-researcher, rooted in history and tradition, and as a result, an involvement that gives academic theology of the status of a “living” discipline.


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Author Biography

Borisov А., priest, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant pofessor at the Theology department MThA


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How to Cite

Borisov А. English Language Theology of the ХХ Century: A Return to Tradition and History. БВ 2017, 124-147.



Comparative theology
