Theology and philosophy in the context of the introduction of theology into Russian Humanities


  • M.S. Ivanov Moscow Theological Academy


theology, higher education, scientific degree, philosophy, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation


The reason for writing this article was the signing by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of the order on recognition of academic degrees in theology in the Russian Federation. This historical event was possible due to the evolution of Russian society in its worldview. The article examines the circumstances that impede this evolution and shows their inconsistency, as well as talks about the opportunities that have opened in Russian educational institutions for students who have acquired the right to acquire objective knowledge about religion in the humanitarian educational space. Since the most important of these possibilities is to consciously choose a worldview, and in theology and philosophy the main focus is ideological content, the article attempts to isolate theology from the rich spiritual and cultural heritage and to compare it with philosophy. Such a comparison shows that between the two academic disciplines, creative unity is not only possible but necessary, and that thanks to it, Russia can preserve and multiply its spiritual and cultural heritage.


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Author Biography

M.S. Ivanov, Moscow Theological Academy

doctor of theology, emeritus professor MThA, provost of academic affairs MThA


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How to Cite

Ivanov М. Theology and Philosophy in the Context of the Introduction of Theology into Russian Humanities. БВ 2017, 56-71.



Theology and philosophy
