Review on: Arsenius (Sokolov), hegumen. Prophet and harlot. Commentary to the 1–3 chapters of the book of the Prophet Hosea. Moscow: BBI, 2016. X, 141 p. ISBN 978‑5‑89647-352-7


  • Skobelev M. A. St. Tikhon Orthodox University; Moscow Theological Academy


In recent years new monographs devoted to exegesis of the biblical books have appeared with increasing frequency, as well as textbooks on the New and Old Testaments. All this indicates a revival of domestic biblical scholarship. The monographs themselves differ considerably in their scholarly tasks, methods, and relation to the Church tradition, and the need for their evaluation and suitability for Church science is evident. There is no doubt that the revival of domestic biblical scholarship is inconceivable not only without high-quality studies of biblical books and new study guides, but also without their thoughtful analysis in the pages of periodical church publications.


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Author Biography

Skobelev M. A., St. Tikhon Orthodox University; Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant professor in the department of Biblical Studies at st. Tikhon Orthodox University and MThA


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How to Cite

Skobelev М. Review On: Arsenius (Sokolov), Hegumen. Prophet and Harlot. Commentary to the 1–3 Chapters of the Book of the Prophet Hosea. Moscow: BBI, 2016. X, 141 P. ISBN 978‑5‑89647-352-7. БВ 2017, 654-666.



