Review of: Martin H., Schwemer A. M. Jesus and Judaism / Series «Modern Bible Studies». Moscow: BBI, 2016. XVI + 724 p.


  • Vydrin Andrey, priest Moscow Theological Academy



Holy Bible, New Testament, Jesus, Judaism



Martin Hengel (1926–2009) and Anna Maria Schwemer, a seminal work by renowned New Testament professors at the University of Tübingen's Theology Department, Jesus and Judaism, was conceived as the first volume of a four-volume History of Early Christianity. It can be called a controversial study aimed against the repeated attempts by many Protestant theologians and historians of religion to separate Jesus of Nazareth from the history of the early Church, arguing that Christianity did not begin until after His death. Hengel / Schwemer, drawing on an extensive source base, strives to show Jesus and His preaching as a foundation and inalienable part of the earliest form of the Christian movement.


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Author Biography

Vydrin Andrey, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

Lecturer at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Vydrin А. Review Of: Martin H., Schwemer A. M. Jesus and Judaism / Series «Modern Bible Studies». Moscow: BBI, 2016. XVI + 724 P. БВ 2020, 357-387.





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