St. Anastasius of Sinai. Chapters against the Monothelites: chapters 3–4

Translated from Ancient Greek and notes by hegumen Adrian (Pashin)


  • Adrian (Pashin), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy


Anastasius of Sinai, Christology, monothelitism, will, action, Divine action, patristic


This is a continuation of the publication in Russian of the works of st. Anastasius of Sinai “Chapters against monothelites.” In the third chapter of st. Anastasius’ comments on quotations from the Corpus Areopagiticum on the inseparable division of a single Divine action and will. In the fourth chapter the Sinait makes detailed comments on the expression from the Corpus of Areopagiticum about the “godly action” of Christ. The last two chapters and the “Florilegia against monothelites” that adjoin them will be published in the following issues of the “Theological herald”.


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Author Biography

Adrian (Pashin), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant professor in the department of Theology MThA, secretary of the Academic council and head of the asperants’ program in Moscow Theological Academy


Прп. Анастасий Синаит. Главы против монофелитов: 1-2 главы / Пер. с древнегреч., вступ. статья и примеч. игум. Адриана (Пашина) // БВ. 2017. № 24-25. Вып. 1-2. С. 573-591.

Иоанн Дамаскин, прп. Точное изложение веры. М., 2002.

Дионисий Ареопагит. Сочинения. Толкования прп. Максима Исповедника / Пер. с древнегреч. Г. М. Прохорова. СПб. 2002.

Свт. Кирилл Александрийский. Два послания к Суккенсу, епископу Диокесарийскому / Пер. с древнегреч., предисл. и примеч. иером. Феодора (Юлаева) // БВ. 2010. № 10. С. 15-31.

Corpus Dionysiacum II: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. De coelesti hierarchia, de ecclesiastica hierarchia, de mystica theologia, epistulae / Hsgb. G. Heil, M. Ritter. B., 1991 (PTS 36).

Corpus Dionysiacum I: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. De divinis nominibus / Hsgb. B. R. Suchla. B., 1990 (PTS 33).

Anastasii Sinaitae. Sermones duo in constitutionem hominis secundum imaginem Dei, necnon Opuscula adversus monotheletas / Ed. K.-H. Uthemann. Turnhout - Leuven, 1985 (CCSG 12).



How to Cite

Pashin А. St. Anastasius of Sinai. Chapters Against the Monothelites: Chapters 3–4: Translated from Ancient Greek and Notes by Hegumen Adrian (Pashin). БВ 2017, 487-510.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
