John of Caesaria and Severus of Antioch: texts and polemics of the Chalcedonites and their opponents (508–520)


  • Kozhukhov S., deacon Moscow Theological Academy


John of Caesarea the Grammarian, Severus of Antioch, Lebon de Halleux, Richard, Apology, Philalèthe, Apologie du Philalèthe, Florilegium Cyrilli, seven theses, florilegium, the Council of Chalcedon, the chalcedonies


The article discusses the controversy between John the Grammarian of Caesarea and Severus of Antioch, which took place in the first two decades of the VI century, in relation to the search for formulas matching the Christology of Chalcedon and st. Cyril of Alexandria that rejected Chalcedon’s opponents, led by Severus. Analyzes the opinions of ancient authors and modern scholars. Theological activity Grammarian of John and of Severus is connected with the texts written by them during the period of controversy. On the basis of the version put forward by J. Lebon, because it offers the most complete coverage and retrospective events. With the separate opinions of J. Lebon argued by other researchers, at different times, engaged in this issue. The author of this study, taking into account all the opinions on the basis of the testimony of the authors of the VI-VII centuries tried, having gathered everything together, present your opinion on the polemics of these two scholars.


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov S., deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant professor of the department of Biblical Studies in Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. John of Caesaria and Severus of Antioch: Texts and Polemics of the Chalcedonites and Their Opponents (508–520). БВ 2017, 328-354.



