The period of persecution of the Church in the mirror of russian literature of the XX Century: Based on the lyrical works of the new martyr Tatiana Grimblit


  • Burmistrova S. V. Mosow Theological Academy


religious and philosophical lyric poetry, Orthodox axiology, the era of persecution, biblical discourse, motive, confession, lyrical heroine, world view, artistic space, ambivalence, folklore tradition, natural philosophy


He article analyzes the little-studied component of Russian culture - the religious and philosophical lyrical poetry of the first third of the 20th century, in particular the poetic work of the new martyr Tatiana Grimblit. The literary heritage of T. N. Grimblit comprises several dozen poems created in the 1920s and 1930s. Their conceptual content is sustained in a single Christian discourse and includes two permanent themes. One of them is connected with the depiction of the life of the soul of the lyrical heroine, the other expresses the author’s reflection on the new historical epoch that came as a result of the revolutionary coup. The motives in T. Grimblit’s lyrical texts are the motives for spiritual choice, the earthly path as a movement towards eternity, bearing one’s cross, human opposition to an godless world, inner struggle, loneliness, etc. The author also has an important theme for literary creativity, which is interpreted as a gift from God. Prayer and poetic creativity help the heroine to preserve inner freedom in a situation of opposition to Soviet reality. The image of spiritual and social reality determines the specificity of the chronotopic system, the attribute of which becomes the principle of ambivalence. The artistic imagery in the poems of T. Grimblit goes back tothe biblical context, and also reveals the influence of the folklore tradition.


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Author Biography

Burmistrova S. V., Mosow Theological Academy

candidate of Philology, assistant professor, secretary of the department of Philology at Mosow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Burmistrova С. The Period of Persecution of the Church in the Mirror of Russian Literature of the XX Century: Based on the Lyrical Works of the New Martyr Tatiana Grimblit. БВ 2017, 196-222.



Academy Conference of the Protection of the Theotokos
