Review of: Matveeva Yu. G. Decorative drapery in the mosaics of Ravenna. Semantics and the cultural-meaning context. Kiev, 2016. 496 p. ISBN 978-966-378-483-0


  • Christina (Butkevich), novice Moscow Theological Academy



The author has set herself a very interesting and useful task: to investigate the semantic content of textile images in the complex of such world-famous monuments of beauty and artistic expression as mosaics of the Italian city of Ravenna created between 540 and 751, when this city was the capital of the Ravenna Exarchate. Matveeva has collected a very extensive, albeit well-known, pictorial material and attracted a large body of literature to substantiate her judgments. The book is colourfully designed, with page illustrations to help the reader, but unfortunately, many of the illustrations are missing and some are often mixed up, making them very inconvenient to work with.


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Author Biography

Christina (Butkevich), novice, Moscow Theological Academy

instructor at Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Butkevich Х. Review Of: Matveeva Yu. G. Decorative Drapery in the Mosaics of Ravenna. Semantics and the Cultural-Meaning Context. Kiev, 2016. 496 P. ISBN 978-966-378-483-0. БВ 2018, 349-364.



