Review of: Skobelev M. A., Khangireev I. A. Introduction to the Didactic books of the Old Testament: a textbook. Moscow: Published by St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University Press, 2018. 368 p., illustrations. ISBN 978-5-7429-1073-2


  • Belsky V. V. Moscow Theological Academy



This year's textbook, Introduction to the Old Testament Study Books by M. A. Skobelev and I. A. Khangireyev, is a rather remarkable phenomenon in the mass of domestic and foreign literature on the Old Testament. Over the past century a huge number of studies and textbooks on the literature of Wisdom have been published in the West, so what prompted the authors to write another manual? The purpose of the latter is outlined at the very beginning of the preface. It is an "isagogical-exegetical survey of the Teachers' Books of the Old Testament", addressed to students of the Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky University of Humanities, as well as to undergraduate students of theological schools. It is thought that it was the specificity of the intended reader that determined the qualitative difference between this edition and other books on these topics.  


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Author Biography

Belsky V. V., Moscow Theological Academy

graduate student at Moscow Theological Academy, head instructor of the department of Fundamental preparation at the Sayano-Shushensky branch of the Siberian federal university


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How to Cite

Belsky В. Review Of: Skobelev M. A., Khangireev I. A. Introduction to the Didactic Books of the Old Testament: A Textbook. Moscow: Published by St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University Press, 2018. 368 p., Illustrations. ISBN 978-5-7429-1073-2. БВ 2018, 343-348.



