Review of: Atlante Storico del Christianesimo antico. A cura di Angelo Di Bernardino con la collaborazione di Gianluca Pila. Istituto Patristico Augustinianum Dipartimento di Studi Classici e Christiani. Università di Bari. Bologna, 2010. ISBN 978-88-10-4


  • Buzykina Moscow Kremlin Museums



The Historical Atlas of Ancient Christianity, edited by Angelo Bernardino, aims to acquaint readers and contemplators with the history of the spread of Christianity from its origins to the eighth century. The authors have prepared geographical maps of the Roman Empire of those times, correlated late antique realities with modern ones, and provided commentary on the resulting maps. For the history of the spread of Christianity the atlas is particularly well suited, since the preaching of the new religion was originally expansive and the Roman reality, with its developed transport and roads, made the expansion possible. According to Mark's Gospel, this is exactly what Jesus Christ commands His disciples before His Ascension: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). The Evangelist Mark summarises: "But they went out and preached everywhere, with the Lord's help, and the word was supported by signs that followed" (Mk 16:20).   Translated with (free version)


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Author Biography

Buzykina, Moscow Kremlin Museums

PhD, researcher, Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of History of Art (2007) Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Buzykina Ю. Н. Review Of: Atlante Storico Del Christianesimo Antico. A Cura Di Angelo Di Bernardino Con La Collaborazione Di Gianluca Pila. Istituto Patristico Augustinianum Dipartimento Di Studi Classici E Christiani. Università Di Bari. Bologna, 2010. ISBN 978-88-10-4. БВ 2021, 319-325.



