“Trinitarian Concepts of G. U. von Balthasar and D. Hart: Similarities and Differences”
triadology, contemporary theology, Balthasar, Hart, Bulgakov, analogous theology, personalismAbstract
The article examines the doctrine of the Holy Trinity by H.U. von Balthasar and D. B. Hart. In the first part of the article, the author describes the theological method of Balthazar and such features of his Trinitarian teaching as eternal kenosis in the life of God, the doctrine of distance, interpersonal otherness, freedom of Persons, the doctrine of the existence of Persons as a gift and mutual love. In the second part of the article, the author describes the features of Hart's theological method and triadology, identifies its similarities and differences with the Trinitarian concept of Balthazar. The author comes to the conclusion that the triadological concepts of H.U. von Balthazar and D. Hart have much in common: both describe the trinitarian Being by an analogical method, use such analogies as mutual gift, love, communication, personality, distance, interpenetration, etc. The article also notes that there are significant differences in the analyzed concepts: D. Hart does not have the doctrine of the Filioque, he does not connect the sexual differentiation of people with the otherness of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, he excludes the doctrine of kenosis from the trinitarian narrative etc. The author also notes the similarity of some provisions of the studied concepts with the triadological views of Archpriest S. Bulgakov.
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