Modification the Concept «The Day of the Lord» in the Minor Prophets


  • Bregeda Aleksandr V. Moscow Theological Academy



prophetic literature, theology of the Old Testament, «Day of the Lord», prophets, judgment, salvation, Israel, eschatology of the Old Testament, theophany, Jerusalem, Zion


«The Day of the Lord» is one of the main topics in prophetic literature. The purpose of the article is to identify the main milestones in the formation of the concept of the «Day of the Lord» in the Minor Prophets, what this expression meant for prophets before and post exile, what historical processes could contribute to a change in the understanding of the «Day of the Lord» among the prophets. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC laid the main event that influenced the development of the concept of «Day of the Lord» in prophetic literature.


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Author Biography

Bregeda Aleksandr V., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Bregeda А. В. Modification the Concept «The Day of the Lord» in the Minor Prophets. БВ 2021, 31-53.



Biblical studies
