«Your Fathers, Where are They? » (Zech. 1, 5): On the Question of the Genealogy of the Prophet Zechariah


  • Belsky Vladimir V. Moscow Theological Academy




the book of Zechariah, the book of Ezra–Nehemiah, books of biblical prophets, genealogy, patronymic, the Old Testament Priesthood, the Second Temple, «cultic prophet», post-exilic Judean community, structure of Judean society


One of the exegetical problems of the book of the prophet Zechariah is the mentioning him as «the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo» in Zech. 1.1.7. A number of scholars believe that in this verse this prophetic book contradicts the information of the book of Ezra–Nehemiah. At the same time, the solution to the question of the genealogy of the prophet Zechariah will make it possible to find out his origin and social status in the post-exilic Jewish community. This article discusses the issue of the genealogy of the prophet and his relationship to the post-exilic priesthood. Considering the problem in the context of other prophetic books of the Old Testament, the author makes an attempt to connect the mentions of Berechiah and Iddo with the theme of «fathers» — previous generations of Jews.


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Author Biography

Belsky Vladimir V. , Moscow Theological Academy

methodist at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Belsky В. В. «Your Fathers, Where Are They? » (Zech. 1, 5): On the Question of the Genealogy of the Prophet Zechariah. БВ 2021, 18-30.



Biblical studies
