Concerning some aspects of biblical discussions in the preconciliar period and at the Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917–1918


  • Korotkov P. A. Moscow Theological Academy


Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church of 1917–1918, Pre-Conciliar Presence, Biblical Studies, Translation of the Holy Scripture


This article discusses the history of discussion of one of the issues raised at the Pre-Conciliar Presence and the Local Council: Church leaders and Bible scholars considered vital to the strengthening of the religious life of the people the correction of the Slavonic and Russian translations of the Bible. The approach of the latter was oriented toward the modern Russian language. It was intended to create a Bible Council under the Supreme Church Administration, whose tasks were to: correct Russian and Slavonic texts of the Bible; the compilation of a new Russian translation of the Bible on the basis of the study of Jewish and other ancient texts; the publication of the Russian translation of the Old Testament in the text of the LXX; publication of the Bible with interpretations; the development of the question of the composition of the Bible and the development of the best type of printed publications of the Bible. These plans were not to be realized at that time, but the author of the article believes that they have not lost relevance in our days.


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Author Biography

Korotkov P. A., Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Economics, head educator at the department of Biblical Studies Moscow Theological Academy


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Открытие комиссии по научному изданию славянской Библии: Положение о составе и деятельности при Императорской Петроградской Духовной академии // БВ. 1915. Т. 1. № 4. С. 865-875 (2-я пагинация).

Балашов Н., прот. На пути к литургическому возрождению. М., 2000.

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How to Cite

Korotkov П. А. Concerning Some Aspects of Biblical Discussions in the Preconciliar Period and at the Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917–1918. БВ 2017, 105-121.



Academy Conference of the Protection of the Theotokos
