An evaluation of the value of the Local Council of 1917–1918 from a historical perspective and in the memories of contemporaries


  • Shchelkachev A., priest


Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church, restoration of the patriarchate, Patriarch Tikhon, Metropolitan Arsenius (Stadnitsky), Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church


The article explores the influence of the acts of the Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church of 1917-1918 on Church life. The significance of important historical events is understood better as they move farther back in time - this pattern is also true for the acts of the Council. The A. of the publication evaluates the most important decisions of the Council, taking into account the memories of its participants. The A. offers to the public and scientific community the diaries of Metropolitan Arsenius (Stadnitsky), a comrade of the chairman of the Council and one of the three candidates for the patriarchal seat. A comparison is also made between the Local Council of 1917-1918 and the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church.


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Author Biography

Shchelkachev A., priest

candidate of Physics and Mathematics, head of the department of World and Russian church history and canon law at the Theology department at st. Tikhon’s Orthodox University, professor


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How to Cite

Shchelkachev А. An Evaluation of the Value of the Local Council of 1917–1918 from a Historical Perspective and in the Memories of Contemporaries. БВ 2017, 80-104.



Academy Conference of the Protection of the Theotokos
