Troubles of 1917–1918 — a national tragedy in the history of Russia


  • Plato (Igumnov), archimandrite Moscow Theological Academy


The kingdom of God, faith, freedom, dignity, nobleness, revolution, troubles, apostasy, anarchy, terror, worldview, the road of history


This article discusses the attempts of interpreting the moral and religious meaning of the two revolutions in Russia in February and October 1917 and the subsequent social upheavals and radical changes that occurred in all spheres of the political, socio-economic and cultural life of the country, which found itself in the ruins created by the October coup and civil war of the Russian Empire. Based on the assessment of the turmoil and its dramatic consequences, contained in the views of N. A. Berdyaev, I. A. Il’in, S. A. Levitsky, P. I. Novgorodtsev and other Russian religious thinkers, the author points to the ethical inconsistency of the slogans of the revolution, whose realization turned into a national tragedy of Russia in the XX century.


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Author Biography

Plato (Igumnov), archimandrite, Moscow Theological Academy

doctor of Theology, professor in the department of Theology MThA, deputy director of academic work in the Center for supplementary education Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Igumnov П. Troubles of 1917–1918 — a National Tragedy in the History of Russia. БВ 2017, 42-79.



Academy Conference of the Protection of the Theotokos
