Theological Academy in the 1917–1918 academic year: On the path to martyrdom


  • Eugene (Reshetnikov), archbishop of Vereya Moscow Theological Academy


monarchy, revolution, theological education, Moscow Theological Academy, people, army, professors and students, diaries, A. D. Belyaev


The article briefly describes the state of the Moscow Theological Academy in the 1917-1918 academic year, which was followed by the very tragic revolutionary events. The names of twelve new martyrs - teachers and students of the Academy this year - are named - all of them took a martyr's death after 1927. The general tragic path of the school, its teachers and students is emphasized - it was in 1927 that the Academy was finally closed. The special problems of 1917 are connected with the catastrophe that radically changed the political system in the country. This change of the Church had to be recognized, in accordance with the principle “all power is from God.” The lack of a proper patriotic attitude to the lost monarchical system had to be compensated by the acceptance of the feat of confession and martyrdom for the sake of the Kingdom of Christ the Heavenly King.


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Author Biography

Eugene (Reshetnikov), archbishop of Vereya, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, professor, rector of Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Reshetnikov Е. Theological Academy in the 1917–1918 Academic Year: On the Path to Martyrdom. БВ 2017, 21-41.



Academy Conference of the Protection of the Theotokos
