Mineynaya (Milyutinskaya) Edition of ‘Tales of the Wonderworking Theodorov Icon of the Mother of God’ (XVII century)


  • Ferapont (Kashin), metropolitan Kostroma Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Church




Feodorovskaya icon of the mother of God, Kostroma, «the Legend of the appearance and miracles of the Feodorovskaya icon Of the mother of God», chetyi-Minei, priest John Milutin, Grand Duke Vasily Yaroslavich


The article provides information about the chronologically first (according to some researchers) edition of the famous literary monument of the XVII century- «Tales of the appearance and miracles of the Feodorov icon Of the mother of God». Various assumptions about the time of creation of the text of the editorial Board and its author are considered, significant differences between this edition and another, more extensive (traditionally called lengthy) are listed, and information about the publications of the text of this edition in the XIX and XXI centuries is provided. In Annex is the text minani (milyutinskaya) edition of «Tales...» upon the earliest of its famous lists, which is part of created in the years 1646-1654 Lives of the saints priest John Milutin (which led to the naming edition) a comparison with the previous publications of this manuscript. A significant difference between the miney version and the lengthy one is the historical inaccuracies made in the text of the latter.


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Author Biography

Ferapont (Kashin), metropolitan, Kostroma Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Church

candidate of theology, Metropolitan Kostroma and Nerekhta, the head of Kostroma Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Church
156000 Kostroma, Bogoyavlenskaya street, 26a



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How to Cite

Kashin Ф. Mineynaya (Milyutinskaya) Edition of ‘Tales of the Wonderworking Theodorov Icon of the Mother of God’ (XVII Century). БВ 2020, 280–293.



