On the question of the biography of Optatus of Milevis


  • Kechkin J., priest Moscow Theological Academy




st. Optatus of Milevis, “Against Donatist Parmenian”, donatism, northafrican christianity


The article is devoted to the analysis of information about the life of Optatus (about 320 - about 390), the bishop of Milevis (North Africa, Numidia), the author of the well-known treatise against the Donatist schism, which is almost unknown in Russian church history. In the article, the biography of Optatus is reconstructed in detail on the basis of a few sources, mostly Blessed Jerome and blessed Augustine, and evidence from the treatise of the Bishop Milevis. Various versions of donatism offered by researchers of the various aspects of the biography of Optatus of Milevis are analyzed in detail. Despite the scarcity of information, the A. listed the most probable dates of birth and death of Optatus, his broad education and commitment to the theological traditions of the North African school is shown.


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Author Biography

Kechkin J., priest, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant professor in the department of Applied Church Disciplines


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How to Cite

Kechkin И. On the Question of the Biography of Optatus of Milevis. БВ 2018, 151-162.



Church History
