The historiography of how the cult of the Virgin Mary and the study of mariology formed in the Roman Catholic Church


  • Lomakin А., priest Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-graduate Studies



Roman Catholicism, Virgin Mary, mariology, cult


This article considers the most significant ideas of those authors who contributed either to the development of mariology as a theological discipline, or to the formation of the veneration of the Virgin Mary as a form of Christian piety. The review covers a time period from the VIII century to the emergence of modern official documents of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the theme of the Virgin Mary. The material is divided into chronological periods,covering significant stages in the development of the doctrine of the Virgin Mary. The research is based both on ancient sources and on the work of modern scientists. The sources comr mainly from English and German-language literature. The article also examines the trends of modern Roman Catholic theology in the context of mariology: the question of the role and position of women in the Church and the discussion of gender equality.


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Author Biography

Lomakin А., priest, Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-graduate Studies

doctoral student at the Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-graduate Studies


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How to Cite

Lomakin А. The Historiography of How the Cult of the Virgin Mary and the Study of Mariology Formed in the Roman Catholic Church. БВ 2018, 127-150.



Comparative theology
