Orthodoxy and humanist psychology: The person and legacy of Carl Rogers


  • Parpara A. A. Moscow Theological Academy




С. R. Rogers, theological anthropology, humanistic psychology, personality-oriented psychotherapy, Protestantism, spiritualism, New Age


Orthodox psychologists often use concepts and methods developed within the framework of secular humanistic psychology, one of the founders of which is C. R. Rogers. The purpose of this publication is to assess how much Rogers' psychotherapy is compatible with Orthodox spirituality. For this, the life path of the American psychologist, the basis of his psychotherapeutic method and the anthropological premises on which he is based are considered. Particular attention is paid to the religious views of Rogers: the reasons for his disappointment in Christianity and the spiritual quest in the last years of life are analyzed.


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Author Biography

Parpara A. A., Moscow Theological Academy

doctoral student MThA


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How to Cite

Parpara А. .А. Orthodoxy and Humanist Psychology: The Person and Legacy of Carl Rogers. БВ 2018, 30-52.



Theology and philosophy
