Two manuscripts from the collection of Ovchinnikov as one codex

Publication of A. E. Soboleva


  • Soboleva A. E. Moscow Theological Academy, Russian State Library



“Life of st. Alexander Svirsky”, palaeography, archaeography, Menaion redaction of hagiography


The article describes two manuscripts deposited in the collection of Ovchinnikov (F. 209) of the Russian State Library in Moscow. The MS 751.7 (without binding) consists of six handwritten pages containing the passage from the Life of st. Alexander Svirsky without the beginning and the end. The A. discovered another manuscript (№ 270) whose leaflets belonged to the same codex. Thanks to this fact, the original composition of these various manuscripts has been clarified and the text of the Life of Alexander Svirsky has been attributed to the Menaion Redaction without a set of posthumous miracles, although this composition of the Life is not the most common. The manuscripts have been dated to 1640s. In the appendix of the paper, there is a detailed composition scheme of the manuscripts.


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Author Biography

Soboleva A. E., Moscow Theological Academy, Russian State Library

candidate of philology, assistant professor at department of Philology at Moscow Theological Academy, head researcher at Russian State Library, researcher at the Institute of Russian language of V. V. Vinogradov RAS


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How to Cite

Soboleva А. Е. Two Manuscripts from the Collection of Ovchinnikov As One Codex: Publication of A. E. Soboleva. БВ 2018, 319-337.



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