Syriac sayings of Saint Nilus of Sinai

Introduction, translation from Syriac and commentary by priest A. Polkhovsky


  • Polkhovsky A., priest Theological Academy of Minsk



patrology, the Saint Nilus of Sinai (Saint Nilus Hermit), Syrian Christian literature, Christian monastic literature, Syrian sayings of the Saint Nilus of Sinai, Greek sayings of the Saint Nilus of Sinai


This publication is devoted to a collection of Syriac sayings, called “Pearls” (ܐܬܝܢܓܪ̈ܡ), published by the Italian syrologist P. Bettiolo and attributed to St. Nilus of Sinai, or the Hermit († 430), which has never before been translated into Russian. The scarcity of information concerning the life and literary activity of the Saint Nilus known to modern patristic science, is the reason that the personality of this Christian writer remains largely mysterious. The purpose of this article is to introduce the issue of the origin of the Syrian apothegms, which largely depend on the ancient Greek prototype and, nevertheless, as it will be shown below, can be recognized as authentic and in parallel with the maxims coexisting with the Greek collection. The comparative method applied to both collections of sayings - Syrian and Greek - will help to see clearly how they relate to each other and what the degree of dependence of the first collection is on the latter.


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Author Biography

Polkhovsky A., priest, Theological Academy of Minsk

candidate of Theology, instructor at MinThA


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How to Cite

Polkhovsky А. Syriac Sayings of Saint Nilus of Sinai: Introduction, Translation from Syriac and Commentary by Priest A. Polkhovsky. БВ 2018, 258-399.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
